Upcoming events


September 14, 2023

Below a list of upcoming events of non-commercial events organized by EFSPI and/or its National Organizations, including links with more information and registration details.

In case of any questions please contact efspieurope@gmail.com.

Events with dates

Date Title Type National Organiziation Location
11./12.09.2024 9th EFSPI Workshop on Regulatory Statistics 2024 Statistical EFSPI Basel

Events in planning with no date yet

Title Type National Organiziation
Training course on multiple imputation, with an introduction to the theory and practical sessions with R and SAS Statistical Italian Biostatistics Group
Group Sequential and Adaptive Methods in the Design of Clinical Trials (Repeat of course run in 2019) Statistical DSBS
Fundamentals of Causal Inference (repeat of course from 2020). November 2023, Arvid Sjolander, Karolinska Instituttet. Statistical DSBS
One day course on Statistics and Machine Learning Development PSDM
Adaptive designs Statistical BBS
Interactive R-Shiny apps Development BBS
Estimands and causal inference Statistical BBS
Training course on causal inference Statistical BBS