Data status
Data as of 2024-10-29 at 20:48:55.
Registrations by type of institution
Registrations by background
Registrations by institution
Registrations of regulatory and HTA colleagues
Registrations by countries
Registrations by countries - map
Registrations by mode of attendance
Registrations by mode of attendance and F2F block booking status
Warning: Paket 'arsenal' wurde unter R Version 4.3.3 erstellt
mode |
Face-to-face (280 Euro) |
118 (37.7%) |
51 (52.6%) |
169 (41.2%) |
Virtual (70 Euro) |
195 (62.3%) |
46 (47.4%) |
241 (58.8%) |
Registrations by meals and wine tasting
No-shows among those who registered for face-to-face participation
noshow |
show |
78 (66.1%) |
37 (72.5%) |
115 (68.0%) |
no show |
40 (33.9%) |
14 (27.5%) |
54 (32.0%) |