Registration for EFSPI regulatory statistics workshop: Frequently asked questions
Thanks for your interest in the EFSPI regulatory statistics workshop 2024! This site provides FAQs around registration.
Is virtual participation possible?
Yes, the workshop is hybrid.
The event will take place at the Biozentrum Basel. The exact address is Spitalstrasse 41, Basel and directions are here.
The venue has free WLAN, just connect to Unibas visitor. It will ask for your mobile phone number for confirmation.
Program and registration
Link to draft program (status: 9th September 2024).
Registration has been closed.
Registration fees
280 Euro for face-to-face and 70 Euros for virtual attendance. To register please pay of 280 / 70 Euro (depending on whether you attend in-person or virtually) to EFSPI as contribution to the 8th EFSPI Regulatory Statistics Workshop.
Bank details: European Fed Stat Pharm Ind
Bank: HSBC
IBAN: GB53HBUK40127677385084
Reference: Regulatory 23
Due to this informal registration process we can keep the price low. Therefore we can not accept credit card transfer and we cannot provide you with a formal invoice after the payment. In case you have any question on your payment, please contact Egbert Biesheuvel.
Registration deadline
Registration has been closed.
Confirmation of registration
Some time after registration (it may take 1-2 weeks) you will receive calendar invites for the two and a half days. Please watch out for these invites, this is your confirmation of registration. If you did not receive them there is a high probability you entered your email address with a typo. If that is the case please re-register with the correct email address.
Will the event be recorded?
Yes. Recordings will be posted here, pending speaker approval.
What block booking options are available for companies?
Our offer for a block booking for companies is as follows:
- Block booking for face-to-face attendance: 8400 Euro, i.e. you break-even with 30 face-to-face participants. If you chose this option an arbitrary number of virtual attendees is included as well.
- Block booking for virtual attendance: 2800 Euro, i.e. you reach break-even with this option if at least 40 colleagues from your company register for virtual attendance to the workshop.
- The conference organizers reserve the right to cap the number of registered face-to-face attendees for a company with block booking, in order to keep catering costs under control. This never happened so far though.
Please reach out to Egbert Biesheuvel if your company is interested in one of these options.
Which companies have block bookings for face-to-face participation?
For 2024, Roche, Novartis, and Boehringer Ingelheim have a comprehensive block booking agreement with the workshop, i.e. all colleagues working at these companies do not need to pay a registration fee for face-to-face or virtual participation.
Which companies have block bookings for virtual participation?
For 2024, Novo Nordisk, Bayer, and BMS have a a block booking for virtual participation, i.e. all colleagues working at Novo Nordisk, Bayer, or BMS do not need to pay a registration fee for virtual participation. Face-to-face registration fee remains the same.
My company (Roche, Novartis, and Boehringer Ingelheim) has a block booking for face-to-face AND virtual participation. How do I register?
These companies have a block booking for face-to-face and virtual attendance. You simply register via this form and indicate face-to-face or virtual attendance. You do not need to pay a registration fee, this is covered by your company via the block booking.
To get access to lunches and the wine tasting event, please tick the meals/event you plan to attend. We ask you to be as accurate as possible in indicating your presence - this is for organizational purposes.
My company (Novo Nordisk, Bayer, BMS) has a block booking for virtual participation only. How do I register?
You simply register via this form and indicate virtual attendance. You do not need to pay a registration fee, this is covered by your company via a block booking.
My company (Novo Nordisk, Bayer, BMS) has a block booking for virtual attendance only. I still want to attend face-to-face. How much do I need to pay?
The full registration fee, 280 Euro.
I will not attend the full workshop and/or not all lunches. Do I get a deducation for the face-to-face registration fee?
I have registered for face-to-face attendance but have changed my mind and will attend only virtually. Will my registration fee be reimbursed?
No. We would still very much appreciate you letting us know, for the planning of the catering.
For whom is the registration fee waived?
See here.
I only want to attend parts of the workshop (e.g. only the HTA session on Friday). Do I get a reduced fee?
I present a poster. Is my registration fee waived?
I present in the short topic session. Is my registration fee waived?
We would appreciate your feedback on this year’s workshop using this form.
You still have questions after going through this entire document?
Send an email to Helle Lynggaard.