Frequently asked questions for submissions of contributions


October 17, 2024

Primary goal of the EFSPI regulatory statistics workshop

See here.


The scientific committee, with equal representation of industry and European regulatory members, regularly meets and puts together a program structured in several sessions. In order to have a focused and fit-for-purpose program talks are by invitation only. There is no option to submit talks for presentation in one of the sessions.

Wonder how you can get involved with the scientific committee? See here.

Short topics

The short topics session is a hallmark of each year’s workshop. Anyone can submit proposals for discussion until 15th August to Helle Lynggaard. Accepted proposals can be presented in five minutes using two slides to the audience, with the intention to ask one or more clear questions to a panel of regulators. They will then comment on these questions. For past topics that were discussed in this session see here.

For instructions on how to present in the short topic session if your questions were accepted see here.


The primary purpose of the poster session is to give EFSPI / PSI eSIGs the opportunity to present their progress. As for talks, there is no option to submit posters other than from said eSIGs.


For feedback and questions send an email to