2024 EFSPI regulatory statistics workshop


July 17, 2024

What’s new for the 2024 workshop?

  • Not new is that we keep the registration fees at the same decent level. This eventhough we extend the workshop by half a day, see next item.
  • We will have a dedicated HTA session on the Friday morning, see draft program.
  • For the first time we will have a patient talking.

Date and venue of 2024 workshop

The workshop will take place 11-13th September 2024 (start morning of 11th and end noon of 13th) again at Biozentrum in beautiful Basel.

Draft program (status: 21st July 2024).


Members of local organizing committee.

Members of scientific committee.

Call for short topics

Like previous years, it is possible to submit a short topic for discussion with a panel of regulators. Submit your proposal to the Chair, Helle Lynggaard, by sending an e-mail to hlyn@novonordisk.com. Deadline for submissions is 15th August 2024.

Updates to this page and the draft program

See here.